Feminine Mystic, Transformational Healer, Acupuncturist
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With 2 decades of experience as an energy medicine practitioner, Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mystic, Embodiment Coach and Clairvoyance Facilitator, I support women around the world in claiming their feminine power for transformative and healing shifts of the spirit and soul.

Co-creating with women seeking depth, wisdom and embodiment is the space where I am most at home. My mission is to help women discover the ways in which your life can change through cultivating a relationship to the Earth, body and sacred feminine. I support women through private 1:1 soul journey healings, clairvoyant readings, healing containers, online coaching sessions and online programs.

I was raised on a 50 acre farm with two hardworking parents. Born bi-racial and navigating the world as black and white, “sensitive” yet strong, I often bridged two worlds that seemingly didn’t connect. This is what I call an “in-betweener”, a person who bridges two worlds, gathering lessons from dualities for alchemization.

I took solace in the Earth and nature, feeling the presence of Spirit as a child. At 11, my first soul awakening occurred. In an instant, a feeling sprung from a well deep within, a knowing that I had been on Earth before, in another body, during a different time. A year later I came upon the term “reincarnation” while reading a book about the life of Edgar Cayce, and I learned that the inner knowing that I had experienced had a name. My life changed in that moment.

The “in-between” space is where the seed of transformation is planted.

This is where you and I connect.

The in-between space is blend of lost and found, an exquisite experience.


Professional Background, Mentorships & Trainings

  • Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine (DTCM, L.Ac, LCH), Five Branches University

  • Masters Degree in the Science of Oriental Medicine (MSOM), Southwest Acupuncture College

  • Heart Radiance Training with Medical Intuitive Sarah Weiss, MA, LMT, CLE, SpiritHeal Institute 

  • Clairvoyant + Energy Healing Training with interfaith minister Juli Somers and Lisa Pelletier, Center for Inner Truth 

  • Clairvoyant Teacher for Clairvoyant & Energy Healing Training, Center for Inner Truth

  • Masculine and Feminine Onani Mentorship with Dr. Onani Carver, Th.D 

  • Usui Reiki Healing I, II & Master level certification

  • Bachelor's Degree in Photography and Poetry, Antioch College