Feminine Mystic, Transformational Healer, Acupuncturist

1:1 Private Mentorship Containers and Classes with Dr. Julia

Support for your spiritual embodiment, feminine power and clairvoyance skills

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Abundant Love

A 6 month Container of love, abundance and healing


Private 1:1 coaching

A 6 Month Container of love, abundance and healing. The pathway to abundance is through the heart…and self-love is key.

Join me in this energetically full container that shows you the enormity and limitlessness of the heart.

Once in the realm of the heart, we can see and heal to great depths. Each month we focus on relationships and abundance from various perspectives…romantic relationships, familial relationships, your relationship to money, co-creation and destiny. Once you become a channel to receiving in one area of your life, you automatically open the doors to receive in ALL areas of your life. In this container we connect bi-weekly through 1:1 sessions, coaching calls and practical “assignments” that you can integrate into your daily life for healing, guidance and empowerment.



Transformative, illuminating and life-changing. Each session gets better, becomes deeper and more meaningful. I cannot more highly recommend working with Julia, if you want to discern Who You Really Are, and Who You Can Become.


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Past Life & Chakra Reading

Investment | $369
60 min session

A 60 minute reading that focuses on your past lives and your chakras. By addressing your previous lifetimes and the energetic state of your chakras, we can help you transition out of areas in your life where you feel either stuck or uncertain.

There’s time for questions at the end and a simple, do-able “next step” will be given to help you move towards your goal.

This is a fast-track reading that gives clarity, guidance and alignment through distance energy healing and diving deep into what needs to be released in order to reclaim your personal power.


What are others saying?

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Soul Journey & Quantum Healing

Investment | $369
60 min session

Through Soul journeying, we get to the root of energy that is blocking you from realizing your potential.

IN this session i look at the energetic blueprint of your soul which holds various past lives and relationship patterns.

These patterns are condensed and alchemized to release stagnant energies for your highest good. This is a potent session, which continues to unfold through energetic shifts over the following week and months. In this soul journey you will receive your POWER ANIMAL, a spirit guide that comes forth to help you as as you go upon your journey. Your POWER ANIMAL comes in to assist you, guide you and help you see the wisdom that is already within.


 From the moment I booked my appointment with Julia, I felt the shift begin. I felt the energy of her intentions building, her intention for the growth and guidance of my spirit. When we connected for our appointment, a warm buzz of energy encapsulated us. It was calm, nurturing, gentle and patient. Julia went deep within and took the hand of my inner child. With wisdom and foresight, she merged me back onto my path of highest good. It feels like this path is light and clear. I feel a freedom that I didn’t know was missing. I had forgotten what it felt like to be fully aligned. Julia makes me feel completely seen and accepted for who I truly am. This has allowed me to step back into my power. Julia is a spiritual soul trainer. My warrior spirit doesn’t take guidance very well. But, through her gentle technique, my soul turned belly up, surrendering to the process.

Jennifer Chan

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Using my 5 step process from my e-book You Are Clairvoyant – The 5 Secrets to Intuitively Healing Your Emotions, I teach you how to access your intuition, view your emotions and transmute them for emotional freedom.

Together, we co-create a container for healing the feelings that have you “stuck”.

We amplify the emotional clearings and create larger shifts in positive mindset, giving you a stronger connection to your knowing, seeing and intuitive abilities.


 I’m shocked at how quickly I got an immediate, clear answers from my heart.

Angelee Moon

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • All sessions are done virtually. Once you set up an appointment, I will email you a zoom link prior to your session. It’s best to have water and a journal and pen to take notes. Please sit for 15 minutes prior to our session to set intentions, relax and get grounded. This way you will get maximum benefit. It’s best if you can sit comfortably with both feet flat on the floor.

  • Working with me is not a passive experience. While I do read your energy, you and I will also co-create a healing space to clear blockages, remove programming and anything else we need to do in order for you to feel clear, confident and empowered. My goal is for you to be in your power throughout the session, because this facilitates healing at the deepest level for you.

  • I work with spirit. Whoever comes through for our session comes through because they are needed for the deepest possible healing available for our session. This means that animal soul guides, people that have passed and even “living” spirits may come through, but it cannot be guaranteed. I have been shown that what comes through is exactly what is needed.

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